Friends, if you want to improve your site’s traffic, backlinks, and domain authority. Then you need a verified list of the best free blog submission sites. And blog directory submission sites to boost your site’s off-page SEO.
That’s why I’m providing here best free blog submission sites list along with full information about blog submission procedures and the answers of some FAQs related to the best free blog submission sites.
Also, I’ll provide a free blog submission tool using which you can submit your blog in one click to the 30 high DA sites and search engines absolutely free.
Friends, You can improve your site’s DA,PA, DR, traffic, backlinks, ranking and SEO visibility score by submitting your blog to the paid or free high DA blog submission sites.
But you need to provide them a blog with full of valuable SEO friendly content. Your blog must has some evergreen content to get long term benefit from blog submission sites.
Table of Contents
What to do before submit a blog to the best free blog submission sites?
So at first, choose the best blogging platform and use the best blogging tools to make your blog attractive and its content SEO-Friendly.
You may use the image SEO techniques to optimize your blog’s images to make it eye-catching.
You should know to use the different types of SEO strategies on your blog to increase possibility of acceptance by free blog submission sites.
You should audit your site from time to time by using the best SEO audit tools and try to keep your site free from broken links.
You can use the best free broken link checker tools to find and remove broken links from your site.
Because of the appearance of broken links may provide a reason to decline your blog to the free blog submission sites.
Try to do well keyword research to write a blog content. You may use the best free keyword research tools to find the appropriate keywords for any content.
You should follow some must-do SEO techniques to increase organic traffic and to make your blog content powerful.
It will help not only to rank the blog content for featured snippets but also increase probability to accept by the free blog submission sites.

So before submitting your blog to the free blog submission sites. You should try to make your blog powerful.
You can do it by:
Writing great content that has some value for users.
Creating public profiles on different high DA profile creation sites.
Using instant approval do-follow backlink providing sites to get instant do-follow backlinks.
Using instant approval Edu blog commenting sites for instant Edu backlinks.
Using SEO tools for backlinks
And by using the best techniques of SEO content marketing.
All these actions will help to boost your site’s On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO and also it will make your site eligible for blog submission to the high DA blog submission sites.
What are the topics about blog submission sites that I’ll discuss in this post?
Now let’s start discussion about the free blog submission sites,
Such as;
- What are the blog submission sites?
- Is the blog submission worthful?
- What are the advantage or disadvantage of submitting a blog to the blog submission sites?
- Why you should submit your blog to the blog submission sites?
- What are the best free blog submission sites?
- How to get a list of best free trustworthy blog submission sites in 2022?
What are Blog Submission Sites?
Blog submission or blog accommodation sites permit you to present your blog or conceivably blog segments so you get straightforwardness and gather some backlinks to your blog.
Notwithstanding how there are so many blog submission sites out there by a wide margin the greater part of them are not dynamic or don’t have exceptional district authority.
So it’s generally better NOT to submit your blog on each blog submission sites under the sun to get repelled by Google.
That is the clarification I contemplated this list of most active and trustworthy best free blog submission sites with a fair locale authority of more than 30.
So you can securely present your web put together journals with respect to them to assemble two or three worth relationship to no end.
Do the use of blog directories (or) blog submission sites worthful?
Without a doubt, they do. Blog submission sites are now a dominating procedure for developing your blog’s openness.
In like manner, as I communicated above in the event that you present your blog or site on high domain authority blog directories, it can assist you with supporting your affiliation authority.
For what reason Should You Submit Your Blog to Blog Submission Sites?
On the off chance that you are now mentioning what reason would it be a good idea for you contribute energy presenting your web put together journals with respect to the top blog submission sites I will talk about here, let me give both of you or three reasons.
Coming up next are a few astounding advantages of utilizing blog submission sites even in 2023.
#1. You will get the quality backlinks for your blog
Whether you know it or not, SEO is the best way to deal with building any helpful blog or online business. Site progression is associated with building quality backlinks.
It is too difficult to rank higher in Google request things without building backlinks from high authority sites. Blog accommodation areas assist you with building quality backlink to no end.
#2. The blog submission will help to increase popularity and traffic to your blog
When you present a blog on these top blog records, it can give you more openness and traffic. There are phenomenal various bloggers who use blog records to see as euphoric on the web.
So expecting you have a spellbound blog to investigate, it will bring you more traffic from these blog comfort protests.
#3. Blog submission will help to improve your blog’s DA
Domain authority is an assessment given by Moz bundle. It is one of the fundamental assessment and the more DA a blog has the better solicitation rankings it can get.
Blog records give you quality affiliations and thus you will get a good DA with quality backlinks.
I’ve utilized DA (Domain Authority) as the assessment to make this article. Also, I included just those blog records which have high DA. So you can get several quality backlinks to boost the Off-Page SEO and Domain authority.
Additionally make a note that, a large portion of the blog directories alluded to here are moderately not many and not an incredible a significant part of the blog records here are paid ones, and that induces they charge both of you or three bucks to present your blog.

A list of best free blog submission sites to submit a blog for traffic, backlink, and SEO
#1. Medium (DA 95, PA 83)
This site can be used not only as a blog submission site but also you can use Medium platform as a profile creation site, article submission site, guest post submission site to improve DA, traffic, and high authority backlinks to your site. You can follow the 7 simple steps to get traffic from
#2. Issuu (DA 94, PA 83)
This is a high DA site that can be used to submit your blog post in pdf form to increase site’s authority, traffic and backlinks. You can create your article’s visual story on this site that could be shared on the popular social media platforms, best WhatsApp groups, and related category of best Facebook groups.
#3. Alltop (DA 70, PA 65)
Individual Kawasaki (the online entertainment master and one of the most astounding Internet supports) began Alltop.
Alltop is one of the most unprecedented online journal comfort regions which can assist you with passing more openness on to your complaints nearby quality affiliations.
Alltop covers each specialty going from progression to lifting to prosperity to land. It has no impact which specialty you are in, you can undoubtedly find a fitting feature present your blog for no good reason.
All top imports the records and articles of the top news areas and web journals for some inconsistent subject and show the titles of the five latest stories.
That is how you can pass more traffic on to your districts. So endeavor to ceaselessly utilize eye getting titles when you make soon.
How to acquaint your blog with Alltop?
Stage 1: Click here to present your site. It will request that you register yourself with any username and your email.
Stage 2: Alltop support social event will survey your comfort and sends you an authentication email once your site goes live.
Stage 3 (discretionary): You can add Alltop recognizing verification once your blog goes live to gloat about it!
#4. Blogarama (DA 59, PA 58)

Blogarama is the most ready and most prominent blog accommodation page on the web. It was begun before long 10 years sooner and has in excess of 100,000 enrolled clients.
This is the best methodology close by it to present your blog inexplicably.
Stage 1: Click here to enroll yourself with your email.
Stage 2: Add your new blog inexplicably to their blog library. That’s all there is to it!
#5. On Top List (DA 44, PA 53)

On Top List is another extraordinary blog record where you can find a colossal heap of tech-related stuff, business pages, and making for a blog related protests from any place the globe.
Stage 1: Click here to join their area. Their help with social occasion will truly audit your site.
Stage 2: For a speedier evaluating process, add their page’s conspicuous confirmation to your blog and email their client care bundle about it.
#6. Blog Adda (DA 49, PA 56)

This is the most recent and most extensively utilized Indian blog record. It not just has an astounding relationship of bloggers to interface yet the editors pick the best blog sections each and every day to assist you with getting more straightforwardness.
This is the best methodology close by it to no end.
Stage 1: Click here to join their area.
Stage 2: Add your blog and take an interest in the blog’s openness.
#7. Blog Hub (DA 40, PA 52)
This is an online area a wide extent of bloggers to present their blog to no end. You can besides make a blog with their association!
Stage 1: Click here to seek after their record in vain.
Stage 2: Once you authorize the affiliation that you receive in your email inbox, you can add your site inexplicably.
#8. Blog Collection (DA 32, PA 50)
Blog Collection is an immense blog record that aggregates normally basic locales reports from any place the globe and it is another most settled blog accommodation site page which was begun in excess of a truly prolonged stretch of time back.
Stage 1: Click here to add your blog.
Stage 2: Select their “Partner and Regular” introducing choice on present your blog to no end.
#9. Blog Listing (DA 39, PA 50)
This is one more speediest making web journal accommodation site page on the web where you can acquaint your blog in vain with get more straightforwardness. It’s additionally a HIGH PR (Page Rank) record site with an area authority of 59.
Stage 1: Add your blog.
Stage 2: Once your blog goes live, begin speaking with different bloggers to create your site page responsiveness.
#10. Blog Engage (DA 66, PA 53)
Blog Engage is another astonishing web diary file that has a huge arrangement for a blog area. The momentous thing about this site page is that you will see stores of bloggers and patrons moving their blog entries.
For certain, even you excessively can do as such by obliging it for $25/month.
How to acquaint your blog with Blog Engage?
Stage 1: You can enroll from here.
Stage 2: To do the manual accommodation of your blog areas, you ought to either add a standard of their page or make an outline about them. At the point when it’s done, you can contact their help pack with procuring authorization to their site.
#11. Making for a blog Fusion (DA 36, PA 49)
However this is a paid adding to a blog list you can in any case get their free record by adding a relationship with their blog vault. It’s utilized by a wide degree of individuals so it’s a good spot to present your site.
Stage 1: Start to present your blog. (Currently not working)
Stage 2: Either explain them or unite a relationship with their blog vault and contact their help pack about and you will get the free record. That’s all there is to it!
#12. Blog Ville (DA 27, PA 56)
Blogville is a quickly making site page record to present your blog paying little notice to anything your specialty is. They will really audit your blog going before embracing it to their blog record.
This is the strategy for adding your blog to it.
Stage 1: Click here to select yourself out of the blue.
Stage 2: You will get an affirmation email after you register, your blog will be really analyzed. You’ll receive an email once it goes live.
#13. Blog Directory (DA 29, PA 46, SS 22)
It’s another remarkable blog library where you can vigorously present your blog for getting joins and developing your substance openness.
It sometimes shows different locales under different centers going from Academics to Computers to Real Estate.
This is the strategy for acquainting your blog with it.
Stage 1: Click here to choose a record.
Stage 2: Pick a class that is pertinent to your blog’s subject and you are finished!
#14. Entier Web (DA 54, PA 53)

This is one of the widely utilized blog comfort complaints with over 3.5 million individuals for the most part have utilized the Entire Web association to present their regions in vain.
Exactly when you present your page on it, your site will fire appearing on all the basic web records including Google, Yahoo, and a gigantic stack of different stages.
So how to present your site page for no good reason at Entire Web?
Stage 1: Click on this affiliation and you should enter subtleties like your site’s URL nearby your principal email address.
Stage 2: Click on continue to acquaint your webpage FREE with this blog comfort site page.
#15. So Much (DA 35, PA 53, SS 17)
So Much isn’t only one of those irregular blog comfort protests. Despite the way that it has a generally awesome DA at any rate it is a pleasing free affiliation document where you can find the best human changed joins coordinated by subject and class.
So how to submit on this comfort site?
Stage 1: Click here to present a relationship with your site in vain. Simply enter your site URL nearby its critical class (nearby a short depiction of your site). You’re finished.
Stage 2: The free change (comfort of the site) customarily requires any place from a few hours to a really long time before your site is recorded relying on how much sections yet to be checked.
They in this way have a paid variety that expenses around $10 where your site will get embraced soon!
#16. Plazoo (DA 42, PA 57, SS 22)
Expecting that you need to add your blog channel or RSS channel, you ought to begin utilizing Plazoo blog posting site page list which has an astonishing district authority of 69 and additionally keeps up with various tongues all around the planet.
This is how you can present your blog for no good reason on Plazoo which has 69 DA.
Stage 1: Visit this partner with add your site page or blog’s RSS channel
Stage 2: Enter your blog subtleties to continue and you’re finished. The potential gain of utilizing Plazoo is that it gives you enlistment to the Plazoo Reader which is past what a standard RSS peruser where you can without a truly exceptional stretch add and direct RSS channels.
It additionally gives acceptance to a wide extent of different media including news, work responsibilities, films, pictures, sound records, etc.
#17. Pegasus Web Directory (DA 32, PA 50, SS 11)
Perhaps the best motivation to utilize Pegasus Directory is considering the way that it’s not just a free sweeping web record where you can present your blog joins for no good reason in any case it’s totally human changed which recommends, you seldom see spam joins or terrible objections.
This is how you can present your blog for no good reason on Pegasus stock.
Stage 1: Visit their show page and pick a class where your blog specialty has a spot with.
Stage 2: You’ll find a submit page where you can present your blog. You’ll normally track down 3 choices (2 premium choices). On a very basic level pick the free choice to continue.
You’ll have to add your site subtleties like title, meta, watchwords, etc.
#18. Gain Web (DA 27, PA 48, SS 22)
Get Web is another immense human-changed blog accommodation list where you can track down commonly grand objections around the blogosphere.
This is how you can present your blog to no end on Gain Web.
Stage 1: Here’s the means by which you can present your site on their foundation where you’ll find different choices including premium regarding plans.
Stage 2: Pick the “Normal Link” which says free and enter your site subtleties and you’re finished.
#19. Cipinet Web Directory (DA 33, PA 46)
Cipinet is one of the most pre-arranged blog submission sites which has been around the web starting around 2002, yes you heard it right.
This is a freemium web record accommodation webpage which induces it offers you both free and paid postings to add interacts with your site page where you can add irrefutable level spaces, individual pages nearby sub-locales are perceived.
And they will concentrate on your website in something like 24 hours even with the major enlistment plan (which costs you just $35 which is a one-time cost).
With the free course of action, your page backing could save some edge for the review, and this is how you can present your blog in vain on Cipinet Web Directory which has a DA of 54
Stage 1: Visit this partner with continue to their show page and you’ll track down an immense load of classes. Pick one among them where your site class has a spot with.
Stage 2: Click on Add Site (OR) Add URL button to present your site in vain.
These are some best blog submission sites. Some of them have have high spam score but below 30 that I indicated. The blog submission sites that have spam score below 30 can be used to submit a blog.
But you should check personally the spam score and content of blog submission sites before submitting your blog.
Are there any weaknesses of utilizing blog submission sites?
There’s basically a single BIG physical issue of utilizing blog accommodation stock complaints and that is “spamming”.
Repulsive blog accommodation files (that perceive in every practical sense, a wide extent of complaints nearby adult satisfied, unlawful content, betting, etc) can get your site page rebuked in Google request things sooner or later.
So we vivaciously prescribe you to avoid such blog submission sites.
Blog submission sites: Are they truly worth the work?
At this point you’ve found a piece of the top DA blog submission sites. Some of them are paid locales in any case the majority of them are allowed to submit.
Eventually comes the chief solicitation, are blog accommodation regions worth your time or cash?
Without a doubt, mark of truth the blog comfort complaints merit your time. Coming up next are a few quick legitimizations for why I’m saying it.
Free: Most of the top blog submission sites that you find on this page are FREE. So there’s nothing you will lose by presenting your complaints.
High DA: Each and every blog submission site that you find in this blog submission sites list have a high DA which can be really significant to work on your SEO.
Fast crawling: These top blog submission sites assist you with creeping your areas fast at whatever point your website gets stimulated so they are important in supporting your SEO rapidly.
Free Blog Submission Sites List 2023
Here is a list of some mostly used blog submission sites that you can use to submit your blog for traffic and backlinks.
Best free blog submission tool

You can use this best free blog submission tool to submit your blog by performing a single click to the 30 high DA, popular, and trustworthy blog submission sites, web submission sites, and search engines absolutely free. You just need to sign-up and verify your email to start using this free blog submission tool.
Last assessments about best free and paid blog submission sites in 2022
As I said in the article, blog submission sites with phenomenal domain authority (DA) can assist you with helping your inquiry things by giving you some inconceivable link juice.
Moreover, you can create your blog’s responsiveness at whatever point you circle new satisfied.
I truly need to acknowledge that you present your objections on those blog inventories to manufacture your SEO.
I’ll continue to empower this page in 2022 with new data so make a feature bookmark it for future reference.
Bonus tips
Friends, these were some best free and paid blog submission sites that you can use to submit your blog for traffic, backlink, and ranking. But if you want instant organic traffic and unlimited unique visitors to your site than you should publish the web stories on your site.
You may follow ranking tips to rank your site on Google to increase traffic to your site. Try to keep your site free from technical SEO issues and know about traffic affecting factors that may reduce your site’s traffic.
You should make a practice of answering on Quora and using social media sites such as custom Facebook Groups, WhatsApp, Twitter, etc to increase website traffic without SEO.
Keep in mind that traffic quality is more effective than quantity. So you should work to improve your site’s traffic quality that plays an important role to rank your site on Google.
Friends these were some important tips to improve SEO, traffic, backlinks, and Google ranking to grow your site rapidly in 2022. That you can use along with submitting your blog to the blog submission sites.
What is your understanding of blog submission sites? Did I miss anything? Kindheartedly let me in on your viewpoints in the remarks and try to share the post.
Friends, if you want more traffic and high revenue from your blog then you may create your blog on these top 10 best blogging platforms.