How to increase website traffic without SEO? 5 best free actionable blog promotion ideas

How to increase website traffic without SEO? 5 best free actionable blog promotion ideas

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Friends, Do you want to know how to increase website traffic without SEO? If your answer is yes then read this article in which I have described the top 5 best free blog promotion ideas to increase website traffic without SEO.  

How to increase website traffic without SEO

Friends, In this post I’ll discuss some best free blog promotion platforms, sources, and secret techniques using which you might increase traffic to your site.

I have discussed SEO techniques to increase blog traffic, organic traffic, conversion rate, Google ranking, visibility score, DA, PA, Do-follow, No-follow Edu backlinks, and content marketing strategy.

But in this post, I’ll share, techniques to increase traffic without SEO

How to increase website traffic without SEO? 5 Best free blog promotion ideas to get traffic without SEO

If you don’t want to invest your time in doing blog SEO but want to increase traffic to your site then you may use these sources and techniques to increase web traffic.

It will be helpful for you to rank your content for featured snippets on Google.

1. Content republishing sites

These are those popular sites that allow users to republish any content to the site. If you’ll publish your already published content on these content republishing sites.

Then you might get unlimited traffic along with some high-quality backlinks. These are some popular and best-performing content republishing sites.


It is one of the best sites that allow users to republish their already published content. It is a high authority and huge traffic gaining.

If you’ll publish your high-performing, useful, and linkable content then you might get a lot of traffic to your site along with high-quality backlinks.

So you can use to promote your blog for free to get traffic. But for it, you’ll have to know the techniques to increase traffic using

How to increase website traffic without SEO

(b) is also a high authoritative, popular, and top-ranked site that can be used for free to get traffic. You can upload your content in pdf form to this site to promote your blog for free to get traffic without SEO.

Uploading your content to these post republishing sites is a part of the content marketing strategy. 


It is one of the favorite content republishing platforms among all such sites. Because it’ll send traffic to your site in a big amount from Italy and Germany.

I always use this platform to get traffic. It is easy to use this platform to promote your blog to get unlimited referral traffic to your site without hard work on SEO. 


This is also a good platform from where you’ll get new visitors to your site. It is a high authoritative site so it will help to build your site’s domain authority along with traffic volume.

Only you need to sign up and create your profile to submit your web page on this site.

How to increase website traffic without SEO


This site is also used for traffic, backlinks, and ranking purpose by so many bloggers. So you may use this site to increase traffic and backlinks for your site.

There are so many other popular sites that can be used to increase traffic along with authority and high-quality backlinks. You can get a list of such sites on an early published list of profile creation sites.

2. Social sharing sites

You can use some most popular social sharing sites to promote your blog to get traffic without SEO. You must use these social sharing sites because these are high user-based traffic gaining sites. Some most popular sites are:

(a) Facebook

Facebook is the most popular social sharing site on the web. It has billions of users and gains huge traffic. Create your account and an eye-catching profile on this site.

Build your follower base by providing sharable content. Join groups that match your site’s category.

Submit your content to every group one by one to gain traffic to your site. This is the best free blog promotion idea to get traffic without SEO.

(b) Twitter

It is a widely used social sharing platform that could be used to get unlimited traffic to your site. You should use this platform to share your experience and get traffic. 

(c) Reddit

If you’ll provide quality content to an accurate group on this site then you might get unlimited real traffic to your site. Increase your ‘karma’ on this site to increase followers and your site’s ranking probability on Google search results.

(d) Tumbler

It is also a popular social sharing site that can be used to gain traffic to your site. You can submit your web page and photos on this site. 

There are so many other popular social sharing sites that are used by many bloggers to increase traffic to their sites. Note that all the social sharing sites need engagement.

So you should try to strengthen your profile by increasing active followers, and getting engaged to make these sites beneficial for you.

(e) Quora 

Also, you can promote your blog on Quora for free to get quality traffic to your site. Quora is a question-answer site that may be used to get traffic to your site by providing reliable answers and sharing your blog posts.

So you need to know how to write the best answers on Quora to get unlimited unique visitors to your site?

 3. Blog commenting

Blog commenting is also a great source to get not only backlinks but also traffic to your site. Do you want to know how to use blog commenting for traffic? You may use these steps to get traffic by blog commenting.

  • Search web pages for your specific keyword.
  • Select 4 to 5 top-ranked web pages.
  • Open all the selected pages one by one.
  • Select comment-enabled web pages.
  • Check DA, PA, and spam scores of those selected sites by using the DA PA checker tool.
  • You can check those site’s traffic using a Similar web extension
  • Find out sites with high DA, PA, low spam scores, high traffic
  • Make content-related unique and descriptive comments.
  • Write down the web page URL on the website box.
  • If there is no option to submit your website then you may add your web page URL within a comment in HTML format.
  • You can submit your comment after finishing all the above steps.
  • You can use these instant approval do-follow blog commenting sites for comment to instantly approve your comment for instant traffic and do-follow backlinks.
  • You may comment on these instant approval Edu sites to boost your site’s traffic and trust.

You can use these 22 best link-building tools to create backlinks. It will help to increase your site’s referral traffic. 

4. Video Promotion

You can share your content video sharing sites, apps, and other sources. Create short or long videos, slides, or stories and upload them on these video-sharing platforms.  

(a) YouTube

You can upload your long videos on YouTube, and short videos on YouTube-Shorts to get unlimited traffic to your site.

Only you’ll have to make suspense on short videos such as how I got 100k visitors a day to my site. Go to my site(your site or web page name).   

(b) Instagram real

You can your short videos on Instagram reals to get traffic. Use the same process as you used for YouTube shorts.  

(c) Facebook watch

You can upload your videos on Facebook to get huge traffic to your site.  

(d) Web story

Create web stories regarding your content and upload them to your site. You can do it easily if your site is on WordPress. You can learn to make and include your web stories on your site on YouTube.  

(e) Image submission sites

Image submission is also the best free blog promotion idea to increase website traffic without SEO. You can submit eye-catching images to image submission sites such as Pinterest, Pexal, Houzz, We Heart it, etc.

You’ll get unlimited traffic to your site by sharing your images on these image submission sites.  

5. Guest Posting 

Guest posting is also a great technique to increase web traffic to your site. Find out some best free guest post submission sites that provide content similar to your site category.

Then provide them a high-quality content in which you have included your site’s other similar web pages links.

If they publish your guest on their site then you’ll get traffic to your site. These are some useful techniques or the best free blog promotion ideas to increase website traffic without SEO.

But if you are available to do SEO for your site then it’ll be easy for you to increase your site’s traffic quality, ranking, and authority.

You can do it by publishing SEO-Friendly content, caring for these traffic-affecting factors, fixing these technical SEO issues, and using these 11 best SEO techniques.

You should read the post:

22 best SEO tools using ideas for backlinks in 2023

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