best ideas to do on-page seo to rank

10 Best ideas to do On-Page SEO in 2024 to rank a site on Google

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Friends, I’m discussing here the best ideas to do On-Page SEO. Because, if you are a blogger or a site honor then it is too necessary to you to do well On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO to rank your site on Google, Bing, Yandex, and other popular search engines.

This On-Page SEO strategy must be helpful to rank a site on Google.

 What is On-Page SEO?

10 Best ideas to do On-Page SEO in 2022 to rank a site on Google

On-Page SEO is the optimization of content, title tag, internal links, headline, meta description, image, content, and URL regardings the user experience, bounce rate, time spent on the page, load time, web traffic, and CTR. 

There are two types of SEO we do to rank a site.

These are On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO.

Mostly a site honor focus to do Off-Page SEO in other words which is known as link building strategy.

But On-Page SEO is as necessary as Off-Page SEO.

In short, Selecting a platform such as WordPress, or Blogger, to build a site, Finding a good and attractive template, Page optimization, and Post optimization come under On-Page SEO

Suppose that you desire to start an offline store then what will you do? You will select a perfect place to open a store.

Then you will try to find room to shop according to your product to sell.

You will decorate your shop to attract customers, You will keep products in your shop in systematic ways to find any product easily.

And in the end, you will try to keep the quality products in your shop to arrive customers to your shop again and again.

All these actions will increase the sales and popularity of your shop in the market. 

The same strategy works on site-building and doing its On-Page SEO.

Think after exchanging quality products with quality blog content, shop place with the site-building platform, shop decoration with theme optimization, keeping products in systematic ways with the arrangements of contents, category, tags, etc on the blog page.

You will find answers to your question what are the best ideas to do the On-Page SEO to rank a site on Google, Bing, Yandex, and other search engines?

10 Best ideas to do On-Page SEO to rank a site on Google-Best SEO Idea

Why the On-Page SEO is too important?

It is so important because Google uses many of the signals that come from on-page SEO to rank a site on Google’s top page.

So your blog content and its optimization play the main role in ranking your site on Google. 

10 Best ideas do on-page SEO to rank a site on Google

You can do on-page SEO of your site by optimizing these factors

1. content

Write contents in-depth that have some value. Writing useful and sharable content is the main factor of on-page SEO.

Write content after auditing the probability of demand and linkability of content.

Use appropriate keywords on content. Post content on the blog regularly to show that you are updated.

Always try to write unique content and avoid duplicate content. This is the best idea to do on-page SEO.

2. Title tag

Write the title tag that describes what your page is about.

So use the specific keywords for the title tag. The title tag of each page makes it easier for Google and other search engines to find your site to rank it.

The title tag which is known as the H1 tag shouldn’t be repeated anywhere on the web page. 

3. Meta description

Meta description which is the summary of your site doesn’t affect the on-page SEO directly but it tells the visitors about other related pages on your site.

Which may play a big role in increasing the traffic of your web pages. So you should use only posts related to the meta description.

4. Heading tag

The heading tags are simply the H2, H3, and H4 tags. It makes it the search engines and users easy to find a topic under your web pages.

And it makes content readable and easy to understand directly affecting the traffic.

5. Alt tag

The alt-tag is mostly used to provide more information about images and multimedia on your site.

It makes search engines and users accessible and easy-to-understand blog content.

10 Best ideas to do On-Page SEO to rank a site on Google-Best SEO Idea

6. Keywords

Keywords are phrases that describe the content. Its role in SEO is to find valuable user quarries. So you should use the keyword related to the title tag, and heading tag.

Find a perfect keyword for your content using these best free keyword research tools. You should use the main keyword minimum of 3 times in the content.

You may use the other content-related keywords to understand google better about your content to rank it on top pages. Writing good keywords is the best practice for doing on-page SEO.

7. Internal linking 

Internal linking is the best part of doing the on-page SEO. Include your other content-related post’s link in your content.

It increases engagement and helps search engines and users about your content deeply. As a result, your blog post will index and rank fast.

8. Page speed

Page speed is also a factor that affects the On-Page SEO. Page speed means how much time takes your web page to load.

You can check the page speed of your web pages using the page speed insights tool. Good page speed is a good signal for ranking.

Audit page speed if that is not good then do some suggested changes to do page speed with a green signal. 

9. Mobile friendly web page

Your web page must be mobile-friendly because about 50% of users open web pages by mobile, smartphone, or tablet.

So about half of the total traffic comes from mobile.

So mobile-friendliness of your web page is too necessary to rank on Google. you should choose a mobile-friendly theme for your site or optimize your active theme to do it mobile-friendly.

It is one of the most important factors that affect on-page SEO and ranking.

10. Image optimization

Image optimization is also the most affecting factor for On-Page SEO.

The images on your web pages affect not only the page speed but also the visitor’s interest to know more about a given topic.

So the images on your web pages should be eye-catching that describe a summary of the content.

These are some factors that affect on-page SEO. Optimizing these factors in such ways will increase SEO score availability, traffic, and ranking of your site.

Some other factors affect the On-Page SEO I’ll describe in my next article.

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